Whatsapp business
Direct Marketing Solution(DMS)

Blastloka is a Direct Marketing Solution. Our team’s innovative approach makes us more efficient, effective and affordable than our competitors.

banner image
Total customers served
5.4 k

We are proud to have worked with movers and shakers across many industries in Indonesia.

Total operating employees

We currently have offices in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, Lombok, Gili, and Aceh.


Send Promotions to Your Target Audience

We make your marketing efforts more efficient by using tailored copy sent directly to your target audience via SMS, Whatsapp, or Telegram. Our engine executes this much more quickly than if you had a team doing this reach out manually.

Bulk WhatsApp Messaging Blastloka dapat membantu Anda untuk Mengirim pesan Teks, Gambar, Video, Pdf, dll secara massal kepada spesifik target market.

Anda dapat menjalankan Marketing Campaign yang anda inginkan, tanpa batas! Semua pesan yang terkirim akan terangkai dalam final report yang dapat terlihat time stamp, nomor dan status pengiriman pesan tersebut.


Blastloka can help you send bulk messages to your target market using our custom message blasting engine capable of sending 1 million messages per day.

You supply the image and/or copy, we blast it to your target market. You can run any marketing campaign you want, with no limits!

We provide a report of all sent messages which includes the phone number, time stamp, and delivery status of the message.

Blastloka dapat membantu anda mengirim pesan teks secara masal kepada target market yang spesifik. Anda dapat menjalankan kampanye pemasaran yang Anda inginkan, tanpa batas!

Kami menyediakan laporan semua pesan terkirim yang mencakup nomor telepon, waktu dan status pengiriman pesan.



years of experience
What makes us different

What Makes BlastlokaThe Best Choice For You?

While other companies purchase data from telecom companies which may quickly become out of date and may be hard to segment — our data is mined fresh based on your target audience. Therefore the audience is primed to receive your offering.

It’s easy to get started!

Contact Us
We’ll discuss your needs and identify your target audience
Provide Message to Blast
Send us copy alternatives & image/video you’d like to send
Blast time
Let the engine do the work!

Request a free consultation

Why Choose Blastloka?


Direct message campaigns that can be run on demand, 24/7


Transparent reporting including time stamps and delivery status


Access to the Leads Database managed by Blastloka means you have access to leads you otherwise could not reach.

Real Time

Real-time tracking of your marketing campaign.


Choose the plan the suits you

Our pricing becomes more favorable the more messages you commit to sending.

All of our plans include a campaign report. You only pay for messages that are delivered; if there are any invalid numbers in our database, we will replace them with new numbers.


Rp 500 / click


Rp 500 / click


Rp 500 / click


Rp 500 / click


Rp 500 / click